Wifi Support
School Device Coverage
Positive Staff Recognition
Rio Rancho Teacher Residency Program written next to an image of a teacher working with students
Facilities Master Plan Presentation written over a chalkboard background
Cognia Accredited
The Student Perspective with a group of elementary students lined up in a row smiling
"Subscribe to RRPS YouTube today" written over an image of someone looking at YouTube on their cell phone
Now hiring substitute teachers written on a chalkboard next to a woman holding a stack of books.
Did you know?
Did you know?
Photo of a backpack with ear phones, a laptop, books and glasses
Rendering of what the new CTE Center may look like once completed.
Did you know?
Career Technical Education: Which road will you take towards more than 60 career paths?
There are 23 languages spoken by students within the district.
We're hiring
Image of young woman holding a brochure